ALL PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS The Applicant for Participation (“You”, “Your”) in the Program for White Labeled Help Desk Services (“The Program”) and OPERATEBETTERIT (“We”, “Us”, “Our”, “The Company”, “OperateBetterIT”) have agreed to work toward mutual benefit for the purposes of providing remote help desk services to Your users on Your behalf, and to help The Company launch a new offering.
All applicants agree to the following Terms and Conditions (“T and C’s”) as of the date of application, for a term no less than 12 months. If You are accepted into The Program, these T and C’s are binding.
In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in these T and C’s, You and The Company hereby agree as follows:
Scope of Services The Company shall, during the Term of Service (as defined below), provide to You the following support and help-desk services described below (the “Services” or “Work Product”), at such times as Your users may reasonably request via email or phone call to a specially provided email address, and/or phone number, and/or web template, and/or chat dialogue unique to You and Your users. The method(s) of contact shall be determined by The Company with every consideration given to Your needs and requirements for a healthy operation.
The Program includes the following Services:
A unique support website, branded to Your company, and accessed by a subdomain associated with Your domain.
API integration into supported PSA’s for ticketing.
Support request tracking in Our ticketing system, if API integration is unavailable for Your PSA.
Unattended/attended access remote control tools and requisite licensing for Our support purposes.
End-user support for Your users’ desktop/laptop workstations and workstation-connected peripherals.
Support Hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, in Your Local Time Zone, Monday through Friday, Holidays Excluded.
Turnaround times will vary based on severity and complexity of the problem, and best effort will be given on every ticket for timely, competent completion.
Commonly used workstation software packages are fully supported by Our staff, such as web browsing software, printer software, small business accounting packages, and Microsoft Office. “Best effort” provided when supporting specific line of business (LOB) software if Your user’s support contract with the LOB vendor is current, and “no heroic measures” for anything out-of-warranty.
Commonly used workstation-connected peripherals are fully supported by Our staff, such as keyboards, mice, printers, and external storage. “Best effort” provided when supporting specific line of business (LOB) peripherals or other non-standard peripherals, and “no heroic measures” for anything out-of-warranty.
End-user support for Your users’ mobile devices.
Server, firewall, and smart switch settings changes (only as they relate to end-user support resolution) if You delegate such access to The Company.
Microsoft Account and Google Workspace adds/moves/changes if You delegate such access to The Company.
Other user software management cloud services if You delegate such access to The Company.
Minor revision software updates.
Incident resolution for delegated level 1 IT support inquiries, ensuring all incidents are logged accurately and, wherever possible, resolving issues at the first point of contact.
Incident escalations, if required, are escalated to Your expert staff. In those cases, Our staff will help ensure timely resolution and maintain communications with the client.
A dedicated account representative.
The Program includes the following Work Product:
Detailed ticket information for each help desk incident reported to The Company, whether solved by The Company, escalated to You, or closed with no solution – kept in your PSA tool (if API integrated) or downloadable in spreadsheet format upon advance request.
Intake Services Intake Services are separate from the Standard Program Offering and may be included in Your subscription, either as a stand-alone product or in addition to Your help desk support Program. When Intake Services are included, You will be afforded the following Services:
A unique local support telephone number for Your users to call or for You to forward Your phone number to.
Intake agents to answer Your callers after a reasonable call queue.
Turning requests for service and other requests into tickets in Your PSA tool, via email when not integrated, or through API when integrated.
Best effort in conveying information about existing open tickets (when integrated via API).
Best effort in relaying information to You about support or non-support-related calls.
A shared Microsoft Teams channel to convey messages and information to Your team.
Limitation of Services The Company shall not be responsible for the following:
Any item not listed above in Scope of Services.
Non-support-related inquiries, or requests for service from non-supported sites.
Onsite, deskside service, or any service requiring the physical intervention of any device.
24-7 monitoring of any computer system, any device, any website, or any application status.
Overall systems administration and systems engineering, such as recurring problems of any kind, ongoing remote workstation management or remote server management, or management of RMM alerts.
Changes affecting Your security footprint.Changes that are managed from “the center out” which affect groups of users or entire user bases.Software rollouts, hardware rollouts, or workstation deployments.
User workstation setups that are best handled by FOG servers, Intune and Autopilot, or Immybot, or other such workstation deployment automation and installation software.
Major revision software updates.
“Projects by ticket” (installations best served by a project document and communicated timelines rather than ad-hoc ticket submissions).
Troubleshooting on any system with an Operating System marked “End of Life” by the manufacturer.
Any liability whatsoever related to changes to any computer system or network device delegated to The Company.
Liaising with billing and/or accounting on matters related to payment for software, licenses, services, or other items unless directly provided by or acquired for You by The Company.
Adherence to Your SLA or other response time promises You have made to Your clients/customers.
Fixing errors and omissions contained in any third-party resource outside of the direct control of The Company.
Any liability or obligation, monetarily or otherwise, to Your users whatsoever.
Term of Service These terms shall commence on Application Date and shall continue in full force and effect for a minimum of 12 months, or until sooner terminated by The Company upon at least thirty (30) days prior written notice. Absent a termination notice, no event (except breach) may terminate this Agreement prior to End Date. Upon termination of this Agreement, The Company shall transfer and make available to You all property and materials in The Company’s possession or subject to The Company’s control that are the rightful property of You.